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S.S. Fitzgerald
May 19, 202311 min read
The Ranch (Part 10 Conclusion)
Sherman had to guess it had been hours since they had taken him hostage. Early on, Sherman had considered they were taking him off into...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
May 12, 20234 min read
The Ranch (Part 9)
In the still air of their sarcophagus, neither Sherman nor Don dared speak above a whisper. Their phones were dead, and they quickly...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
May 5, 20234 min read
The Ranch (Part 8)
“Get inside!” Sherman screamed. The five scientists that had been staring dumbly at the muzzle flashes in the distance. The distant...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Apr 28, 20236 min read
The Ranch (Part 7)
Don had allowed Colm to invest time into the prehistoric plants. They had collected three live specimens, but no toxin was identified...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Apr 21, 20238 min read
The Ranch (Part 6)
Don Freeman moved down the long hall in wide strides. His pulse began to skyrocket. The surge from his heart had begun to cause jitters...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Apr 14, 20239 min read
The Ranch (Part 5)
The family waited until first light before venturing out to try to seek the missing bull. Sherman peeked out of the ranch first. The cows...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Apr 7, 202310 min read
The Ranch (Part 4)
Sherman stood before the deputy, who leaned back in his chair. A pencil held to his lip, Deputy Justin Henley looked up at Sherman, the...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Mar 31, 202311 min read
The Ranch (Part 3)
The family returned to their home from their alien encounter. Chase had not bothered even considering the asinine idea of staying. He had...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Mar 24, 20239 min read
The Ranch (Part 2)
Over the next few days, the Green family had finalized their move in. They brought in their furniture, their clothes, and all their...
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S.S. Fitzgerald
Mar 17, 202312 min read
The Ranch (Part 1)
I am very excited to announce this project - thanks especially to support from close friends and colleagues. The Ranch is the start to a...
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